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如果你最近退休或正在计划退休, you are likely to have a number of questions. 第一步是与教务长和院长预约. We, as well as the Office of Human Resources, 欢迎有机会与您会面,以帮助规划过程.


Daphne Lamothe
Provost and Dean of the Faculty

Hélène Visentin

Misty Wyman-Ferrer
Human Resources Specialist

Emeriti Advisory Committee

名誉教授咨询委员会为名誉教授和管理部门之间提供直接的沟通渠道. The committee serves as a forum for emeriti faculty ideas and concerns; makes recommendations about policy changes relevant to emeriti faculty; and provides advice to the president, 教务长和计划委员会讨论与退休教师有关的问题. In planning for retirement, 教职员工经常对他们的机会和选择有疑问,这些机会和选择可以塑造他们智力生涯的下一个阶段. 咨询委员会可以提供信息和指导.

What To Do a Year (or Earlier) Before Retirement

我们假设您已经与教务长/院长和人力资源部讨论过您的退休计划. 以下是在这段过渡时期要记住的一些关键步骤.

1. Meet with Retirement Vendor

我们建议您与您的退休用品供应商进行单独的咨询. 更多关于一对一咨询课程的信息可在 Human Resources website.

2. Meet with a Financial Advisor

教务长办公室为62岁或以上的教师提供高达250美元的费用,用于咨询财务顾问或退休计划顾问. 请将付款请求连同收据副本寄给Joshua Parad,地址为; payment will be issued as a stipend (less applicable taxes). 请注意,付款必须在退休前申请和发放.

3. Contact the Social Security Office

Talk to the Social Security Office (800-772-1213) to set up your payments. 一旦你不再参加澳门葡京博彩软件健康计划,你还需要注册医疗保险B和医疗保险D部分(处方药计划).

4. Explore Health Insurance Options

人力资源部门不能就医疗保健方案向退休人员提供咨询. 退休后的健康保险包括医疗保险, 但医疗保险不是免费的,你可能还想要补充保险. 澳门葡京博彩软件推荐了一个退休后的医疗保健计划: Benistar. This plan requires immediate sign-on upon retirement; there is no possibility of joining the plan later. 许多退休人员发现服务老年人健康信息需求(SHINE)很有用. SHINE offices are located in Northampton at the Senior Center on Conz Street (413-587-1228); there are also offices in Greenfield, Montague and Florence. Useful information is available on the SHINE website.

5. Consider Long-Term Care Insurance

Consider long-term care insurance. 虽然这可能不是每个人都需要的,而且很昂贵, 有些人可能会发现,随着年龄的增长,支付医疗费用是有益的.

荣誉退休教师负责包装和移动他们的材料和家具到他们的新办公室, house, or for donations. 


学院档案室想要你们的论文:课堂笔记, official Smith correspondence, professional correspondence, letters from old students, even appointment books. 他们会提供箱子,然后派人去取. Contact Nanci Young, the college archivist, at or 413-585-2976.


澳门葡京博彩软件图书馆可能会接受你的一些书. Gift-in-kind donations must meet the same criteria as those used to select current purchases; they should be scholarly works published within the last two to three years and not already held in the libraries. Other kinds of materials may be accepted. For guidelines and procedures, please see Giving to the Libraries. Consult with your department's subject liaison for more information.


许多组织赞助向学院和大学捐赠书籍和期刊, 一些当地书店会购买他们认为可以出售的二手学术书籍.

  • Effective June 1st, 2023, 退休教师必须在退休后一个月内离开办公室. 退休教师可以申请高达500美元的费用(需要收据),用于打包和搬运物品回家. 目前的政策不适用于在6月1日之前或之前签署了退休信的教师, 2023.
  • 退休人员可以要求共用蒂利大厅的办公空间. 根据教务长办公室管理的年度调查确定的校园办公空间的可用性和证明需求,批准请求. The Emeriti/ae Advisory Committee, chaired by the associate dean of the faculty, 参与办公空间分配流程.
  • 为退休人员/退休人员分配的所有空间以一年为期限, 之后将对空间需求进行另一次审查. 已获分配名额的荣誉毕业生应于四月初重新申请下一学年的名额.  Based on the results of the space needs review, they may be: 1) approved to continue use of their assigned space; 2) provided a new space assignment; or 3) asked to vacate their space.

Emeriti Lounge


在考虑退休选择时,教师应该审查 Phased Retirement Plan Overview.